Our vibrant church in Massachusetts has been welcoming people since its founding in 1894 as an
affiliate of the National Spiritualist Association of Churches. Our denomination is Modern Spiritualism,
a religion, science and philosophy that began in 1848 near Rochester, NY.
We welcome and encourage you to come visit us. You will meet loving, kind people who have
an understanding of the afterlife, Universal Law (such as the Law of Attraction), and the power
of positive thought.
Find us at the corner of South Pine and Warren streets where you can enjoy seeing tomorrow's
finest mediums as they work every Sunday at our Student Service at 5:30 pm. This is followed
by a Fellowship Lunch at 6:00 pm.
The regular Spiritualist Sunday Evening Service with Healing and
Guest Medium/Speaker, begins at 6:30 pm.
We encourage you to explore our beliefs, our principles, and
learn about healing on this site. Questions about Spiritualism
can be directed to the Pastoral Committee at
[email protected]

The First Spiritualist Church of Salem
Welcome to the Website of the First Spiritualist Church of Salem, NSAC. We invite you to explore our site, learn about the
philosophy of Spiritualism, and check out our upcoming events including a listing of Sunday guest speakers.
Come back often for updates!
First Spiritualist Church of Salem, NSAC ~ 34 Warren St. ~ Salem, MA ~ 01970 ~
Saturday Dec 13: Reiki Share, 1:30...see What We Offer page for details...