For other sites of interest, explore the links on this page.
Lily Dale is the largest Spiritualist Camp in the USA. In existence since the 19th century, Lily Dale offers a unique and
charming get away for those interested in Spiritualism, spiritual growth, and spiritual retreats. Contact the Lily Dale
Assembly through their website for season schedules.
The National Spiritualist Association of Churches (NSAC) is the first and oldest established organization of Modern
Spiritualism. The NSAC was founded in 1893. The First Spiritualist Church of Salem is a member affiliate of the NSAC. For
more information about the NSAC, visit their website or their headquarters in Lily Dale, NY.
The Morris Pratt Institute (MPI) offers courses in mediumship, healing, and Spiritualism toward the
fulfillment of the NSAC requirements for national certification, commissioning, and ordination of its
workers. For more information about MPI, visit their website.
First Spiritualist Church of Salem ~ 34 Warren St. ~ Salem, MA ~ 01970 ~ 978-745-2098 copyright 2007 First Spiritualist Church of Salem, all rights reserved
Circles of Wisdom offers workshops on a wide variety of subjects and carry a large selection of books, music,
crystals and gemstones, gifts and more!