What Spiritualism Is
and Does
It teaches personal responsibility.
It removes all fear of death by teaching
that death is not the cessation of life, but
a mere change of condition.
It teaches not that we have a soul, but
that we are soul and have a body and we
are spiritual beings now.
It teaches that as we sow on earth we
reap in this life and the life to come; yet,
there is hope in the life beyond even for
the most troubled.
It teaches that those who have passed on
are conscious and communion between
the living and the "dead" is demonstrated
through Spiritualism.
It teaches that the spark of divinity dwells
in all and that as a flower gradually
unfolds in beauty, so the spirit of
humankind unfolds and develops in the
spirit spheres.
It teaches that every soul progresses
through the ages to heights, sublime and
glorious, where God is Love and Love is
It is a manifestation, a demonstration, and
a proof of the continuity of life and of the
truth of the many spirit manifestations
recorded in the Bible.
It demonstrates the many spiritual gifts
with which humankind is endowed but
which, through want of knowledge, have
been allowed to lie dormant or through
prejudice, have been violently and
unjustly suppressed.
A Science,
Philosophy and
Spiritualism is a science because it
investi-gates, analyzes and classifies
facts and manifestations demonstrated
from the spirit side of life.
Spiritualism is a philosophy because it
studies the laws of nature both on the
seen and unseen sides of life and bases
its conclusions upon present observed
facts. It accepts statements of observed
facts of past ages and conclusions
drawn therefrom, when sustained by
reason and by results of observed facts
of the present day.
Spiritualism is a religion because it
strives to understand and to comply with
the physical, mental, and spiritual laws
of nature, which are the "laws of God."
What Does It Mean?
Spiritualism is the science, philosophy and
religion of continuous life, based upon the
demonstrated fact of communication, by
means of mediumship, with those who live in
the spirit world.
A Spiritualist is one who believes, as the
basis of his or her religion, in the communi-
cation between this and the spirit world by
means of mediumship, and who endeavors
to mold his or her character and conduct in
accordance with the highest teachings
derived from such communion.
A Medium is one whose organism is sensi-
tive to vibrations from the spirit world and
through whose instrumentality intelligences
in that world are able to convey messages
and produce the phenomena of Spiritualism.
A Spiritualist Healer is one who, either
through his or her own inherent powers or
through his or her mediumship, is able to
impart vital, curative force to pathologic
The phenomena of Spiritualism consist of
prophecy; clairvoyance; clairaudience; gift
of tongues; laying on of hands, healing;
visions; trance; apports; revelation; levita-
tion; raps; automatic and independent
writing and paintings photography;
materialization; psychometry; voice and any
other manifestation proving the continuity of
life as demonstrated through the physical
and spiritual senses and faculties of humans.

All information provided on this page derived from the NSAC Spiritualist Manual, copyright 2002 by the National Spiritualist Association of Churches.